Brandon Brock, DNP, DC, APRN, NP-C, DACNB, DCBCN
Dr. Brandon Brock is a practitioner in Dallas Texas who holds a Doctorate in Family Nursing Practice from Duke University, and a Doctorate in Chiropractic. He has a Diplomate in Functional Neurology, Nutrition, Conventional Medicine, and Integrated Medicine as well. He holds Fellowship status in Childhood Disorders, Neurology, Electro-diagnostic Medicine, Neurochemistry and is a member of the International College of Chiropractors. Dr. Brock is also a Global Clinical Research Scholar from Harvard Medical School.
In Dallas Texas, he serves as chief clinician at Foundation Physicians Group. He enjoys teaching and providing educational support to facilitate learning for multiple groups and agencies. This includes topics that ranges from nutrition, and regenerative medicine to pharmacology and governmental policy. His unique blend of clinical and teaching experience along with a background in medicine, chiropractic, neurology and nutrition has created a unique and integrated clinical background that has helped him treat difficult cases and offers comprehensive angles on education and clinical presentations.
Course Outline:
Thursday, November 4rd, 2022 | 4:00 -5:20pm
This lecture is designed to update the strategies, usage, and benefits of low-level lasers in a medical practice of multiple types. The use of handheld lasers for pain in combination with medications, regenerative medicine, supplements and labs will be reviewed. In addition, Emerald Laser body contouring will be discussed with updated information on combined therapies with peptides, medications, supplements, fasting protocols, and lymphatic drainage, as well as observed trends in laboratory changes on labs related to metabolic syndromes, Leptins, and inflammatory markers.
Understand basic laser information & cellular function.
Analyze laser-based therapeutics & pain.
Differentiate laser-based therapeutics combined with medical interventions.
Illustrate laser-based weight loss mechanisms
Compare advanced laser-based protocols combined with medical treatment for optimal outcomes.